As a robot "burden carriers" for the modern army, Rex can carry more than 400 pounds, a typical load for the group of 3 to 10 soldiers, for 72 hours at a time without refueling, according to the developer of Israel Aerospace Industries.
'Robot soldiers lead vehicle followed by a certain distance, using technology developed and patented by IAI. Using simple commands (one of them may like dogs rule at home), including the 'stop', 'fetch' and 'heel'. Chairman of soldiers to control the robot without disturbance of their mission, "said Ofer Glazer from IAI. "Controlling the robot in this way allows to interact intuitively and rapid integration of products in the field in a short period of time".
IAI said that it has developed the platform in response to "urgent operational requirements", estimates that for civilian and military demand at the moment could amount to tens of thousands of orders and worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
"Platform Rex is somewhat unique as part of the art operational and capable friendly interface with users, which are both important for exceptional performance platforms," said Glazer.
Rex is just one of those present at the robocaddies military markets. Intended for infantry, it is unclear whether these backpacks can carry the burden alone or just end up as waste to transport even more so in the end left behind.
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