According to a newspaper Yediot Acharonot in Israel, recently there was news about a robot that can save human lives from the bite of Vipera Palaestinae (small snake venomous dtemukan only in the Middle East region). Robots are better classified as iRobot Roomba 560 known.
And as we all know, the iRobot Roomba 560 is a robot who has acknowledged his reputation in the defense industry for so long. Roomba is not the time to assist in national defense only, but to maintain security around the home.
This guard robot shaped like a Vacuum Cleaner or a vacuum cleaner that can automatically carry out their functions properly. Roomba 560 robot is able to counteract all the noise coming through your house, including a small snake killer disorders (viper).
Vipera Palaestinae has been considered a major cause of snakebite in geographical coverage. This small snake has been found toxic to pieces around one round brush while the second robot child (4-year-old Eli Efi Frida and 7-year-old) had just returned to her home with her parents in Galilee. And they are very lucky, at the time of their houses guarded by a Roomba robot when the house was left empty. And with sigapnya, berbetuk robot vacuum cleaner has saved their homes from the presence of a small venomous snake that will penetrate and enter their homes in a way that is directly sucked in and killed him with a rotating brush in it.
Whether it is only the truth or what, but it is clear iRobot Roomba 560 home safety saved the slightest interference from the infiltrate and disrupt. Hm, something that's worth a try. Are you interested?
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